Monday, 14 December 2009

Mad Science

I should like.....write something.
I dont think anyone knows I'm on here o.0.....I should make a post on my LJ and facebook or something.


Since this blog is for my third year uni animation work and then after that it will be for my....well animation ident, I shoudl get around to posting some things about my animation.

The theme is Mad Science and at the moment...thats what it's also called. The animation will be done in stop motion and is looking to be close to 5 minutes long if I'm insane enough.

The story is about a mad scientist "Dr. Leonard De'Myr" who through being so engrosed in his lab work, ignored his wife "Clauderine". She fell ill and died, it was too late by the time Dr De'Myr had realized, he couldn't save her. So he goes into the usual self loathing thing, locks himself away in his lab with his work. Until one day, he gets sick of his work, his mind catches up with him and he decides to create a replica of his dead wife, knowing its wrong, but he doesn't care. He just wants company and he wants Clauderine.

So we get to see him laughing like a maniac, creating her body parts, putting her together, making her a dress!. Then giving her life. Of course, it seems like it hasn't worked. We see a distraught Dr as he holds his head in his hands. Then a hand touches his shoulder. Yep, Claudering. It did work. BUT, she is a living doll, she cant talk or express with her face, but shes there.

The aniamtion ends with him saying "I see........I see Clauderine....this...I can fix."

Then he starts cackling, and she copies him, then her arm falls off and he recoils in terror. YEY!

So thats the jist, I'll upload some form of script and story outline and character files at some point. But below is a recent photoshop coloured sketch of the Dr. I say sketch. Its cleaned up and stuff and the lines are clear. I did it from start to finish with a graphics tablet.

I have no idea if it goes bigger when you click it....probablly does.

I dont have anything in the computer of Clauderine yet, but I'm working on it :)

So yes. all stop motion, though I would like to do a few little 2D animations of him....being a retard most likley.

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